Nutrition Specialist

Closes : February 29, 2024
  • Full Time
  • Arusha
  • Applications have closed



Anza is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting social enterprises in Tanzania, empowering them to provide life-improving products and services while generating employment opportunities. Our approach involves offering a comprehensive suite of services, including personalized strategic capacity building, network connections to markets and important stakeholders, and access to affordable and flexible capital.

Anza provides support to entrepreneurs across different sectors, the majority of them being from the agricultural sector, offering products and services across various agricultural value chains. However, a significant challenge faced by entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector is the limited nutritional knowledge, resulting in a lack of consideration for the nutritional value of their final products throughout the entire production cycle—from cultivation and harvesting to post-harvest handling, processing, packaging, labelling, storage, and distribution. Moreover, considering the high micronutrient deficiency among the population in developing countries, embracing nutrition knowledge among agricultural entrepreneurs will play a significant role in the efforts towards improving the nutrition status of the population.

Anza is seeking the expertise of a qualified Nutrition Specialist to support in understanding the opportunities and challenges associated with integrating a nutrition component into our business accelerator programs, to assist entrepreneurs in considering the nutritional value of their products and services more effectively.

More specifically, this consultancy is intended to provide a rapid analysis of issues to assist Anza in deciding whether to pursue the introduction of a nutrition-specific component into the programs, as well as giving recommendations for how this should be done.

Scope of Work
The Nutrition Specialist will be expected to work both in person and remotely to perform the following:

Section 1: Expected methodology
– Kick-off meeting: Hold an initial meeting with the Anza team to clarify the assignment’s scope and define a detailed work schedule.

– Documentation Reviews/Desk Research: Conduct an in-depth review of relevant documentation, including Anza’s program curriculum and delivery materials.

– Collaboration with the Anza Team: Engage in discussions with the Anza team to collaboratively define interview/survey questions and establish a deployment strategy.

– Stakeholder Interviews/Surveys: Conduct interviews and surveys with key stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector, aiming to gather insights throughout the entire production cycle, from cultivation and harvesting to post-harvest handling, processing, packaging, labelling, and storage.

– Preparation of Deliverables: Compile and analyze data collected during interviews and surveys and develop a comprehensive report

Section 2: Deliverables
1. Written report including:
– The key findings on challenges and opportunities for existing small-medium sized agricultural entrepreneurs in Tanzania to increase the nutritional value of their work – considering the entire production cycle from cultivation and harvesting to post-harvest handling, processing, packaging, labelling, storage and distribution.

– Clear and actionable recommendations for Anza to develop a new component of their agricultural accelerator or adapt existing components to support participants to better measure, enhance and communicate the nutritional value of their work.

– A short list of recommended indicators that Anza could measure to assess the nutrition-specific value added to their accelerator programme.

– Appendix with a full repository of collected data- surveys etc.

2. PowerPoint presentation to present to Anza and other interested stakeholders

3. Workshop to discuss findings and next steps

Qualifications and Experience
The Nutrition Specialist should possess the following qualifications and experience:

– A relevant academic background in nutrition, public health, food processing or a related field.

– Proven experience in conducting research and assessments related to nutritional aspects. A PhD in a relevant field is an added advantage.

– Familiarity with the agricultural sector and food processing industry.

– Strong analytical and communication skills.

The assignment is expected to be completed within 3 months, from March 20, 2024, to June 19, 2024.

A ceiling budget of 15,000 USD is allocated for services, however the consultant must submit a detailed budget in Tanzanian shillings with their application. Payment will follow completion, satisfactory deliverables confirmation, timesheet submission, monthly performance reports, and invoices.

Payment Conditions
The Director of Finance and Operations will receive invoices, with payment made within 30 days of receipt and approval of the monthly report.

Reporting and Administration
The consultant will collaborate with the Senior Business Development Manager, and program team, and report directly to the Managing Director.

The consultant commits to the highest professional and ethical standards. Unsatisfactory performance may result in a replacement after documented discussions.

The consultant agrees not to disclose proprietary or confidential information about Anza’s services, contract, or business operations during and after the contract’s term without written consent.

Ownership of Material
All ownership and intellectual property rights shall belong to Anza, encompassing data, plans, graphics, materials, designs, and other matters developed during the agreement.

How to Apply
Please submit a proposal covering the following aspects;

– Narrative proposal describing the approach and methodology to conduct this work, including the analyses to be conducted, information sources, and
approaches to stakeholders)

– Capacity to conduct work.

i. Please describe experience in conducting similar work, encompassing experience in nutrition, agriculture, entrepreneurship and Tanzania

ii. Provide details of any relevant qualifications

iii. Share a copy of a report you have produced from a previous consultancy.

– Timeline anticipated and any relevant milestones

– A budget summary in Tanzanian shillings broken down by personnel, travel, other direct operational costs, and indirect costs

If you meet the qualifications and are interested, kindly submit your application proposal to by February 29, 2024.

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